Friday, September 12, 2008

A Family Affair: Seinfeld and Gates Perpetually Connecting

The series in the new Windows Consumer Campaign continues with the second two part ad. This one is funnier than earlier one. Both Part1 and yet to air Part2 are available in the links below:





NEW: A Family Affair: Seinfeld and Gates Perpetually Connecting in New Ads (Part 1) (01:31)

Download the ad: Video (.wmv) | Broadcast (.mpeg)

NEW: A Family Affair: Seinfeld and Gates Perpetually Connecting in New Ads (Part 2) (01:31)

Download the ad: Video (.wmv) | Broadcast (.mpeg)

Earlier one:

The Conquistador: Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld (01:31)

Download the ad: Video (.wmv) | Broadcast (.mpeg) | Audio (.mp3)

High Quality version Part1 & 2 combined
Video: New Family

Or one can watch them at

(source:Watch the new Windows ads)

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