Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Live Search, Google and the Oscar Awards

Now that the Oscar Awards have been announced yesterday, everyone everywhere is talking of the Awards only. Slumdog Millionaire which swept the Oscar Awards is everywhere, on the front pages of Newspaper and elsewhere. Its special for India, as many of the Indians are involved, the Story based on the Novel written by an Indian and city of Mumbai where the story is set around. And A.R. Rahman winning 2 Oscars and Resul Pookutty another one. So its the Indian connection making it more special.

Even these have been already depicted in Amul Ads:

10 DT Grit 081208

(A.R. Rehman wins numerous awards for 'Slumdog Millionaire" ) 

10x20 Common

(This was after Slumdog Millionaire winning 4 Golden Globe Awards and getting 10 Oscar Nominations)

(Amul Ad cartoons, courtesy Amul)


Now coming to Oscar Awards searches, I had posted yesterday  before the start of Oscars Awards,  Live Search and Oscar Awards , I now again checked as these awards have been announced and wanted to see how it provides results comparing it with Google. This is what Google front page shows:


And this is what Live Search front page showed: 


Live Search provided the results in a neater way, all the major winners being shown at a glance, while Google gave the results in a plain way with some description. I liked the way results presented by Live Search. Hope it keeps on improving. Now the only problem with Live Search is - to get Optimized results, one has to make use of US market Live Search Link http://www.live.com/?mkt=en-us if one is outside United states. AS here in India if I use the local Live Search link http://www.live.com/?mkt=en-in, one does not get the optimized results. Hope this will be looked into and all search results made uniform.

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