Sunday, April 26, 2020

E-Book: Essential guide to working from home

 In the present times of COVID-19, many are working from home. For some, it may be easy to adjust to this new working from home. But if one is accustomed since long time to working in a traditional office environment, then some adjustments is required. There are many ways to set yourself up for success wherever you choose to do your job. One can have some guidance regarding the same.  For this, Microsoft has released a Free E-book "Essential Guide to working from home". This book provides tips and resources to help you set up your workspace,  stay connected, and manage your time and well-being.
With this guide, learn more about setting up a secure and productive workspace, keeping a daily routine, fixing common Wi-Fi and printer issues, and even ways to keep the kids entertained.

Table of contents:

 Its a small 14 page guide and covers topics like Setting up of Workplace, which includes the physical workplace and virtual workplace.
 In virtual workplace, it covers Working in Cloud with tools like OneDrive, OneNote and other tools. It teaches you about backing up your documents and data in cloud or external drive.
It also covers how to Sync your phone to your computer.
It gives tips on how to scan written notes and physical documents using Office Lens app.
It provides links to many interesting tips.

One can download this free E-book from Microsoft Essential guide to working from home. (PDF doc size 3.22MB)

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