Monday, March 31, 2008

Coming Soon : Microsoft Video Portal

Msvideosbetalogo With the popularity of video medium increasing and the availability of so much content in the video form, has made Microsoft to consolidate the vast amount of video content it has. It will be made available on the new portal , which will be powered by Silverlight. The content will be searchable, can be embed,linked to it in your blog and can also be sent by email. At present its available at (which later will become )

It was also previewed at MIX08 and Its expected to go live in April. I will update, once its available, so keep an eye.

Do you want to create your own, such a video site or next YouTube style site ? Or you want to share home movies you created with your family and friends via your own personal site, instead of uploading them to public sites like YouTube or Soapbox ? And you don't know where to start, then check my next post. Will be soon posting about it!

UPDATE : Its Launched , Check out the new portal at

And send the Microsoft Videos team feedback at

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