Monday, February 15, 2010

Bing Maps’ Augmented-reality demo at TED 2010 – A must watch

In a demo that drew gasps at TED2010, Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos new augmented-reality mapping technology from Microsoft.

(Recorded at TED2010, February 2010 in Long Beach, CA. Duration: 8:14)


In the end of the video a very nice demo of WorldWide Telescope (WWT) integration  Check out the comments, what people are saying about.



Blaise Auguera y Arcas from Bing team demos cool Augmented Reality for Bing maps. The Bing team working on an app which is integrating with flickr geo registered imagery for augmented reality.

Augment reality for bing maps is basically taking one view and laying on metadata of other views on top of that.

In the video the Base view that they start with is the street level view from Bing maps. They zoom down to the downtown Seattle and goes to Pike's Place market and shows how the market looks like when Microsoft Bing went there and took pictures and catalogued the first time for the Bing maps. Next he gets flickr geo registered imagery and uses photosynth to connect it to bing maps imagery as these user sourced images overlay on top of existing bing maps images.
Shows how they are integrated in deep way in to the map itself. Photosynth figures out its pictures and corresponds to particular locations in bing maps and overlays on top of it. So map and the real pictures overlaying for better experience.

Next he goes one step further- 
He shows inside of market which has been shot with backpack cameras for bing maps. And then he dials to his camera crew Live in the market, they turn on the camera and starts panning and zooming of the market .Bing maps takes the video and it transposes in real time on top of bing maps. You have to watch it to believe it. Overlaying in real time , these video to the bing maps images.That's amazing !!



Check the video Now !!

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