Thursday, April 01, 2010

Youtube introduces Text only mode -TEXTp on April Fools day


Youtube today introduced a new way to experience Youtube videos- text only mode or TEXTp. This mode replaces the images in the video with a series of letters and numbers. And they have chosen 1st April , April Fools Day to introduce this. Today, even the Youtube logo is Text based.

Youtube says - “For every person who selects TEXTp and keeps it on while you watch a video, you save YouTube $1 a second, resulting in potentially billions of dollars of savings for us. So if you care about YouTube, you’ll use TEXTp today.”

Thus TEXTp saves bandwidth and money for Youtube.

You can select “TEXTp” from the pulldown menu or you can also just append &textp=fool to most video URLs to view the video in TEXTp mode.   (As its introduced on April Fools Day)


The regular Youtube video



Youtube video in TEXTp mode-





Try it out, just for fun ! (I think this fun option only available on 1st April, One of the best April Fool pranks among many)

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