Many of you must have already watched Live the Bill Gates Keynote at 2008 International Consumer Electronics Show.
If not then, you can Watch the keynote here. (1 hr.) . But if you don't have time to watch an hour long video then you can watch the Keynote Highlights here. (5 min 47 sec)
But if you don't want to watch but just want to Read the Complete Transcript of the Keynote at your own pace on your Zune to find out what are the cool stuff he talked about, then here it is;
I have converted the regular Transcript of the Keynote into Zune compatible E-book which can be downloaded and Sync with your Zune.
This can be downloaded from the Skydrive link given below,
Download the Zip file (~4.6MB) to your PC, Unzip it and copy the folder into your Picture Directory which you use with Zune to Sync your pictures and Sync it. That's all, now you can read the complete Transcript on your Zune, listening to your favorite music. (Make sure Shuffle is off for pictures)
(You can also check Read E-books on your Zune for how it was done)
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