Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Google Wallet rolled out to Sprint users


The first version of Google Wallet app was rolled out to Sprint Nexus S 4G phones. Here’s a demo of Google Wallet in action:

“Google Wallet enables you to pay with your Citi MasterCard credit card and the Google Prepaid Card, which can be funded with any of your existing plastic credit cards. As a thanks to early adopters, we’re adding a $10 free bonus to the Google Prepaid Card if you set it up in Google Wallet before the end of the year.”

Google also added Visa, Discover and American Express to Google Wallet. Citi and MasterCard were already their launch partners

Also check out First Google Wallet customer video . (On a sidenote, The style of this video seems to be influenced by Microsoft Office casual Videos.)

You can learn more about Google Wallet at google.com/wallet.


Unknown said...

Moving to Google?

vasudev said...

Have been posting intersting TechNews from all quarters,though mainly Microsoft. I thought Wallet could be popular in India.