Monday, August 31, 2015

How to reinstall Store app or other preinstalled apps in Windows 10

Some users were having issues when on upgrading or installing Windows 10, the Store app itself was missing. The Store app was not available as a part of standard pre-installed apps. Or such situation arise on Windows 10 devices, when preinstalled Windows apps may have somehow uninstalled. This is possible using PowerShell command-lets. Most of these preinstalled apps can be re-downloaded from the Windows Store. But what if the Store app itself is uninstalled, then what to do. In such situation, here are the steps documented in MSDN to be followed.

Reinstall preinstalled apps:

  • Download the PowerShell Script to your PC and unzip ,copy it to some folder (here I have copied to a folder named Tryscript in C drive)
  • Now open an elevated PowerShell window, for this
    • Click on Start
    • type ‘Windows PowerShell’ in search
    • From the Search’s result, right click on Windows PowerShell and Run As Administrator
    • Click Yes when prompted for UAC dialog.
  • Now from the PS prompt, navigate to where you have downloaded the script.
  • Now temporarily allow unsigned PowerShell scripts to execute

PS C:\tryscript> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

  • Execute the script. You can install a specific app like the Windows Store which we want in this case or all preinstalled apps. We will see both the cases

Reinstall a specific app like the Windows Store app:

    • One has to add a string argument to the PowerShell command that represents the string containing the name of the app. Here we want the Windows Store. The string is *Microsoft.WindowsStore*  (including asterisks). So the command will be

PS C:\tryscript> .\reinstall-preinstalledApp.ps1 *Microsoft.WindowsStore*

Typing Y will allow the script to continue when you will be prompted for approval to execute the script.


I already had Windows Store installed and was just trying the script. Please note that if you try to install an app that is already installed, it will be skipped without an error.

Reinstall all preinstalled apps

    • Execute this script without any arguments to install all pre-installed apps.

PS C:\tryscript> .\reinstall-preinstalledApp.ps1

  • After running the script, re-enable enforcement for signed PowerShell scripts. by issuing the following command

PS C:\tryscript> Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

If everything is fine then you must be seeing the Store app or all the apps whichever script you had run and is available to launch in the all apps list.

NOTE: If you have deleted the app packages using Remove-AppxPackage command then the above steps will not bring back store. Microsoft is still working on it, to bring back Store in such cases.

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